The Hidden Harm of Operation Christmas Child: Reasons to Rethink Participation

As the holiday season approaches, churches nationwide engage in Operation Christmas Child, an initiative involving the distribution of pre-printed shoebox-sized cardboard boxes filled with toys and necessities to children in non-first-world countries. While the concept may seem benevolent, it's essential to scrutinize the program's impact. Below are several compelling reasons why Operation Christmas Child may be more harmful than helpful.

 Supporting Franklin Graham's "Ministry"

Participating in Operation Christmas Child means endorsing the leadership of Franklin Graham, the organization's figurehead. Known for his divisive views and controversial endorsements, Graham has used his platform to promote discriminatory ideologies. Graham's online presence is rife with racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, and xenophobic remarks, making him a questionable figurehead for a charitable religious organization.

 Mismatched Gifts and Cultural Insensitivity

Many of the items packed into Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes may not be suitable or even understandable to the children receiving them. The initiative often results in the dispatch of cheap, easily breakable trinkets and toys that may not align with the cultural preferences of the recipients. The cultural insensitivity can lead to comically anticlimactic situations where children struggle to comprehend or use the donated items.

 Disruption of Local Economies

Sending mass shipments of goods from Western countries into struggling economies can have detrimental effects on local businesses. Local toy shops, vendors, and manufacturers face the risk of being pushed out of business by the influx of inexpensive Western goods. This not only harms local economies but also disrupts the delicate balance of supply and demand.

 Racist and Sexist Shoebox Designs

The imagery used on Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes has been criticized for perpetuating racial and gender stereotypes. Illustrations on official boxes have depicted barefoot black and brown children in ways reminiscent of colonialist missionary narratives. This racial insensitivity is particularly troubling considering Graham's stance on immigration and his involvement in controversies related to race and gender issues.

 Perpetuation of White Savior Complex

The narrative presented to children involved in Operation Christmas Child reinforces the notion that they, as Westerners, are needed to provide for less fortunate communities. This perpetuates a damaging ideology that instills in recipients the belief that they require assistance from white people, potentially making poor communities even more vulnerable over time.

 Contributing to Unexamined Faith and Injustice

Participating in Operation Christmas Child can inadvertently contribute to a culture of unexamined faith and half-hearted justice efforts. While the initiative may offer a sense of goodwill, it distracts from deeper introspection and fails to address the root causes of injustice. This lack of consistency in addressing the consequences of good intentions can result in unintended harm and perpetuation of harmful ideologies.


Operation Christmas Child, despite its well-intentioned appearance, raises concerns about its impact on local economies, perpetuation of stereotypes, and alignment with controversial figures. In light of these issues, we have chosen to support the work of Church World Service. This year we are planning to assemble “Hygiene Kits.” We forget about how hard it is for people who do not have funds to just have hygiene supplies. It can be as simple as a toenail clipper, or soap, or a washcloth. But often those are the type of items people just can't afford. Our goal is to collect 100 kits to help those in need.